Wednesday, August 15, 2007

E J Ph updates

We've lost the cord to connect our camera to our computer, so I'm not able to put up new pictures. So you'll just have to use your imagination when I write my posts for a while. Elizabeth has taken on a new job of being a mini-mommy. The last couple of days she's placed Phoebe (she only weighs 10 pounds more than Phoebes) into her high chair, given her a bottle of milk, and made her a peanut butter and honey sandwich cut into fourths for supper. She thinks I should pay her to do this job. I tell her it's just part of being a family! Jonathan is continuing potty training. He's had several accidents, but is making progress. He is all boy! He copies his dad when praying for lunch, only he talks in a low, growly voice. He throws his body and legs around always hitting us fragile girls and leaving bruises (his flying feet can really hurt!). We've been reading Laura Ingalls series which you know is about 3 girls and Ma and Pa. Jonathan doesn't mind that because he says he's Pa riding on a horse! Elizabeth uses carrots to teach him "Giddap" and "Woa" (the way Almanzo taught his calves to start and stop). Jonathan loves carrots, and I'm glad he's getting his Vitamin A! Phoebe is so tan and beautiful ~ she has these gorgeous exotic eyes with long eyelashes. She is a little spoiled. The kids don't necessarily let her have anything she wants which I'm glad for, but she throws a fit if anyone takes something from her. She has also been experimenting with hitting others. And she likes the word "No!" She can really work up into tears too when she wants to (like when Dad corrects her). She starts sniffling and her lower lip starts blubbering in an out and she looks around to make sure everyone is watching. Talk about making boudin'! We start schooling Elizabeth next Monday. I've been getting her curriculum ready this week. She can't decide if she wants to be an astronaut or an archeologist ~ I'm trying to find ways for her to learn about both of these things since she shows interest. Any ideas for a 5 - 6 year old would be appreciated!

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