Friday, October 21, 2011


We Gores are not especially musical, though we do enjoy certain genres of music (and the kids are exposed to a lot more through school ~ folk, classical, hymns, a new venture into instrument practice with an ocarina). We came across some cello music which the kids have fallen in love with. They made Lego instruments one day to play along with the YouTube videos. Do you recognize their piano, cello and drum sticks? "Moonlight" is playing on the iPad in the background.

Some links to our favorites:
"Moonlight" (inspired by Beethoven)
"The Cello Song ~ Bach is Back"
"Michael Meets Mozart"


Natalie Christine Davis said...

Check out Beethoven's Wig CDs at the library. They are great! Also, have you seen there is a series with stories and music for each of the masters. (One is called Beethoven Lives Upstairs)

Lanaya said...

We listened to that book on tape several years ago,! Thanks for mentioning it again.