Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Amos Visits for Pumpkin Season


We are getting some wild sunrises and sunsets lately. 
It doesn't seem right that they just show up unannounced. You stumble upon them instead of them announcing themselves with fanfare Space Odyssey style

Harvested corn field in sun glow.

 A bit more cloudy here, but you can now see our place from the gravel road.

Phillip's sister Galen & her husband and her bio brother & wife came over for supper one night last week. Galen and Gil live in Florida, so we don't get to see them often, and we had never met her biological brother (she has several bio siblings that she has connected with, and it's very cool to be able to meet one of them). 

Amos and Lanaya Elizabeth came to visit this weekend! I loved having them here. It was fun to spend several days with them and get to know Amos a bit more. 
Less than a month until wedding time!

Playing the ubiquitous Slap.

Lots of book and theology discussions! This is going to be fun.

They made eggs and pancakes for supper one night.

Jonathan was inspired to cook a steak. He watches videos about the science of food and then he wants to cook. He did a superb job on the steaks. Phillip was impressed.

Pumpkin carving. We skipped this last year, so the kids were ready for it. Silas came over to participate with Harrison.

These cats are always underfoot! They let us pet them though, so at least we get interaction.

Harrison's, then Jon's, then Phoebe's.

We made garlic pumpkin seeds and brown sugar/cayenne seeds. They are both very good, but the brown sugar ones were gone first.

Harrison was a train robber for trick-or-treating.

Phoebe and Gabry took the boys out on the town for candy. That's a wonderful deal when your older kids can take your younger ones out!

And I am working on a knitting project after several years hiatus. Weirdly, if my kids are really into something, I can't seem to be into it at the same time. Or I step aside anyway. When Liz was home baking, I didn't do much baking. Maybe that's because I can only handle one person at a time having all their stuff out for the "thing." 
Anyway, I'm using one of her knitting patterns that she authored, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. Find "Someone's Daughter" pattern here if you want to try your hand at knitting a shawl for yourself!

I just happened to catch this and snapped a picture real quick.  
Unbelievable. Cue fanfare from Also Sprach Zarathustra.

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