Friday, October 16, 2020

October Days while Dad is Away

Phillip and Jonathan took a short trip to MO last week, and we planned plenty to keep busy while they were gone.  

They planned plenty too: Liz went to see them, Jonathan shot guns with Uncle John, Jon went to a Corn Maze with the youth group, they watched the combines harvesting....

Yellow Garden Spider ~ it's huge and it's web is big too. 
This was the only picture I got from our jaunt on the Greenway.

While Phoebe was at youth group here in San Antonio, Harrison and I did a little bit of the Salado Creek Greenway. We parked at the Voelcker Historic Homestead and scootered/skated over to Phil Hardberger Park where H could play for a bit (because the parks are open! Yay!). 

It was kind of sweet because Harrison was so worried about me falling on my skates. He said, "I can just imagine you landing splat on your face." I didn't fall once and he breathed a sigh of relief. 

Glowing coals.

We had a S'mores fire in the backyard with the neighbor kids one night. S'mores really are too sweet. But it's fun to roast the marshmallows. I need to find more things to roast that don't make you sweet-sick.

On Saturday we spent our afternoon at a Corn Maze. 

I had been planning to take Phoebe to Shakespeare's Macbeth. But they were sold out when I finally called to get tickets. I was so bummed! But they are only holding outdoor performances in which you must wear a mask the whole time (including the players ~ how did that work? Did they take off their masks to speak?). Unless you were eating or drinking. So I was going to bring a bunch of food. But then they said you couldn't bring outside food or drink, you had to buy from their people (not going to be cheap). So I was kind of glad to find out they were sold out. It made my decision easier.

So we found a local corn maze ~ a first for us. We were handed maps. Phoebe grabbed one and shot down the lane like a bull seeing red. She doesn't like the heat (and it was hot!), but she did want to conquer this corn maze. We tried to keep up while I strew my kernels of corn knowledge along to Harrison and Leila. 

The hard level maze was supposed to take 1.5 hours. But we finished it in maybe 30 minutes. We came out and I asked the crew, "What'd we do wrong? Okay, kids, we paid for this, we're going into the medium level!" 

So we rushed through the medium level and then zoomed in and out of the easy level. Then I heard the crew say, "Did you mark off all the checkpoints?" 

Checkpoints? Let me see that map! 

Yes, we had made it through the maze (with Phoebe's Master Maze skills), but we hadn't played the game. You were supposed to get all these checkpoints hole punched on your map. 

Ah well. It was hot. We were glad to be done and getting some snow-cones. 

Next time we will go when it's cooler and try to play the game.

Harrison made Phoebe a badge.

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