Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Summer Time

Part of Harrison's birthday was his request to go to the Japanese Tea Gardens with me again. We went early one morning. No one else was there for a good bit (except gardeners and such). It was cool and misty, and we had a lovely time. 

What Liz does when she's not working. 

Jon's summer activities are including a lot of electronic projects. He's filming a stop-animation Lego deal here.

Phoebe has been fairly busy. She is taking volleyball classes and sewing classes this summer. Otherwise, she draws and reads and listens to books in her room. 

And we had sad news that Liz' boss at the Cafe passed away suddenly. It's a family-owned business and he was the father. He brought a liveliness to the restaurant that will be missed. To celebrate him, the Cafe gave away root beer floats last Friday. 

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