Sunday, December 22, 2013

Winter Time Activities

Last Sunday night was a bonfire at a new friend's home. I Love bonfires. We just don't do enough bonfires anymore. It was perfectly cold ~ there were plenty of snacks and hot cocoa ~ we sang lots of Christmas carols and met new people and talked a little about missions in Haiti. Lovely evening.

We met old friends at the Bass Pro shop on Tuesday. I can't remember ever going to a Bass Pro shop, so it was a new and very fun experience. You don't have to spend a penny and there is plenty to see. The kids did spend a little money at the shooting arcade thing. There were quite a number of people there to see Santa, but the fishing area was empty. The two employees asked us if they could help us. We were just browsing and Alisa said something about the crowd not coming for the fishing gear. One guy said, "This isn't the crowd?" We do have quite the crew when we're together: nine kids and all their gear.

And Elizabeth went to a youth group event that had a dessert competition. She won!! She spent a lot of time on these cupcakes; it was well-deserved.

She and her friend made matching tacky sweaters/poncho. Cutest tacky sweaters I've seen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth's cupcakes were beautiful. Tell her we are so proud of her and congratulations on her win. Dru Nugent