Sunday, December 8, 2013

Filling Time of Year

Our lives are full of dear people this time of year. There are extra events going on and sometimes traveling. The busyness can be tough, but it always brings blessings. 

Elizabeth turned 12. We had a family birthday this year. She did extra schoolwork the day before so she could have her birthday free. Dad took her to the coffee shop with him. We celebrated that night with Boston Cream cupcakes and a movie.

Mimi and Papa were in town, so Phillip and I took advantage of babysitters to go out for a bit. Wild time out on the town! (Panera Bread and Starbucks, baby.)

Our fellow band of believers met at an apartment complex today for church. We had a cozy time with chili and soup and cheesecake afterwards. 

I was in the "nursery" which included our Harrison. Can you believe we have a little 1 year old with us who is also called Harrison Lee? What are the odds.  

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