Sunday, January 8, 2012

Their Uniqueness

One of my favorite discoveries on this Charlotte Mason homeschooling journey has been the individuality of my children. There are so many subjects or areas that are covered ~ a generous curriculum it's been called ~ that the kids easily find different areas that they enjoy and excel at.

Elizabeth loves fairy tales and fables and mythology. She spontaneously translates words into Latin throughout the day. And two of the subjects I thought would be hardest have captured her interest and enjoyment: Shakespeare and Plutarch's Lives. I love to see her written narrations because they usually include a picture or some other creative aspect.

Jonathan is very interested in hearing stories read to him. He is a literal thinker and wants to know why characters in the story didn't do what made sense. Or he's glad for what they did do. Or he certainly knows how HE would have done it ~ the right way, of course. We have wonderful "grand conversations" at any rate. He likes to do his copywork just right. He will soon surpass Older Sister in Math.

Phoebe Loves school and doesn't understand why her siblings think it's boring. They point out that what she really likes are the activity bags. She does like to work on those activities with intense concentration. And she is careful to put everything back in its place when she's done.

Harrison seems to be a natural CMer. He loves music ~ he sings and dances. He would croon himself to sleep as a baby. Except for a short 1 or 2 day stint with Mimi, he would not take a bottle. When he turned one, I figured out that he would take the bottle if I sat outside with him. He would sit on my lap facing out to watch the wide world. Right after nap-time when he's at his fussiest, the great outdoors soothes him then also. He copies bird songs. He sits on my lap while I read and listens closely. It seems like he really understands. Maybe he does.

With such a feast, it's certain each child will find their sweet spot. And I love watching their beaming soul when they do.

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