Saturday, June 30, 2007

Beach Day!

Living in Florida has the wonderful perk of free entertainment via the beach! So yesterday (Friday) we decided to go after lunch. We had a few drenching rains come down that morning, and Elizabeth was very worried that we wouldn't be able to go since the clouds were coming from the direction of the Ocean. We loaded up anyway (with fewer toys, bags, equipment, than last time since we hadn't used half of it, yet it still got sandy) and headed toward St. Augustine (the oldest city in the US). Amazingly, we found a very close parking spot to a new beach we hadn't been to. Elizabeth immediately raced toward the waves with a plastic cup sailboat she had made. Jonathan saw the crashing waves and started crying and chasing after Dad who had to head back to the car to put away his cell phone. Phoebe quieted down from her crying she had been doing in the car. She tries to walk mostly now, but when she couldn't walk, she kind of walked on her feet and hands with her bottom in the air since the rocky sand hurt her knees. She kept crawling toward the waves and they would knock her over. So we dug a hole in the sand and put her in it and she mostly played with Jonathan and parent (Phillip and I switched off) in the sand. Elizabeth kept wanting us to go in with her and jump into the waves. We never went out very far, but it was fun. We buried Phillip in the sand and dug several holes. Sandcastles don't usually work because of the little destroyer (Phoebe, of course). We only stayed about 2 hours, but it was fun and free and we were together as a family! Sorry we don't have pictures, but cameras and sand/water don't mix. The pictures above are from the kids making an ice sculpture last week.

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