Thursday, May 26, 2022

Around the Farm at Summer's Start

 It's really good to have seasons. 

How awful would it be to do the exact same thing every day with no rest days or holidays or breaks? 

I love routine, for sure. But I love routine even more after a break from it.

Summer break is here. It's busy in a different way, and I'm thankful for it.

Sunset from the front yard.

Perhaps you can't see it in this picture, but this was the first day we noticed the corn had popped up. We didn't see it that morning, but we could see it by afternoon.

Here's a close-up of that first day we could 'row it,' as Phillip says.

Rows seen from the front porch in the morning.

I go sit down on the front porch to read and enjoy the morning. And the cats must be able to smell my coffee because they come slinking up begging for food. 

This is getting ridiculous. We thought Abigail had three kittens, but she actually had six. But they are letting us hold them and play with them, so they'll be used to people, and maybe someone will want them! That dark grey tabby is a cutie.

Jonathan and his friend Jack played with the worship team on Sunday. I got to hear Jonathan's first song before going to teach the younger kids. He did a great job. He'll be helping with worship for one of the camp weeks as well. Who knew we'd have a musical one in our family?

Mimi and Papa gave us fresh strawberries, and they are beautiful in a jar.

Sunset from the backyard.

I don't know if I shared on the blog this podcast interview with Modern Miss Mason. We did it several weeks ago. We have another one coming up next week (it will be filmed! Eeek!). 

I'm grateful for the beauty around us and for my kids and husband and all of us being together. Uvalde, TX is heavy on my mind. Which just intensifies my gratefulness for those things.

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