Saturday, April 30, 2022

They're Growing Up

We once had four little munchkins.

Mimi with Elizabeth, Jonathan, Phoebe and Harrison.

The older three loved to play with Harrison. 
He never wanted for entertainment.

They're all growing up on us now.

Harrison is soon to be 12. 
Eleven year old boys are awesome. They tell you in graphic detail and with wild pantomime about the gap in their tooth that fills up with crackers and has to be dug out with a floss pick, and about the bump on their tongue, and 'can you see it?' And you're so glad that these are the worst things in their life right now.

Phoebe still loves to swing — as long as nature isn't biting or scratching or making her hot and sweaty.
She's 16 and a new driver. 
She creates lovely things with her hands and enjoys talking heatedly about current issues.

Jonathan and Gabry decided to go out to a restaurant to celebrate Gabry's birthday tonight instead of going to prom. They are a joy to be around, both of them very responsible and sociable. 

Lanaya Elizabeth Photography

And Elizabeth is officially engaged to The Amos Manasseh Gonzalez!

Lanaya Elizabeth Photography

Lanaya Elizabeth Photography

They went to an art museum that they had been to before they had begun dating. 

He proposed in that white gazebo in the gardens.

Lanaya Elizabeth Photography

Her friends decorated her dorm room before she got back. 

"She said Yes" 

Amos Photography

Amos Photography

Amos Photography

So cute together! 

They both love the Lord and walk in His ways.

We're excited for them!

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