Thursday, August 8, 2019

Giving the Guadalupe a Try Again

Harrison was wanting to try out the raft and Liz needed a ride for her and her friends to the Mill, so we trekked over to New Braunfels Sunday evening.

This place under the Faust St Bridge is awesome if you're looking for a red-neck experience. We have not been here in several years because it's iffy whether there will be too many people or any available parking. 

Just look at that train though! The picture's a little dark, but the river is coming over a little ledge, so you can take a raft or tube over it in a fun, easy way. 

Harrison and Jonathan did get the raft out there. It kept getting stuck on rocks though, and Harrison was a bit disappointed in the experience. But it gave us something to do while the girls explored the Mill. Matter of fact, you can see the Mill in the background there. I've been inside the office part the first time Liz went. There were lots of papers everywhere, so I read some letters and business info. It was kind of neat. 

A neighbor gave us a big container of bubbles she had in her garage, so we've been doing some evening bubbles. This little cutie has been a regular at our house this summer.

This is the last week of summer before school starts up. I'm seeing on Facebook that some are already starting in Louisiana and elsewhere, so I don't feel so bad starting 'early.' 
Here's to routine and keeping the kids busy!

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