Thursday, July 14, 2011

Working Now?

Test trial to see if a very helpful person from BloggerPlus gave adequate advice to fix my problem.


Simply Imagined Photography said...

Looks like the kids are having fun :) Glad you got the photo thing figured out.

Mom-Elayne-Mimi said...

Glad to see a new photo and such a fun one. I seem to remember that when our kids piled up like that on the floor we called it a "pile of baby pigs."

Shirley Ann said...

I loved this post! It took me straight back to my daughters first Christmas almost 13 years ago. We thought we were giving her a great Christmas with all the lovely toys we had bought her, and she was more facinated with the boxes and wrapping! I think it shows that even from such a young age, our children have the imagination and facination to turn the ordinary in the extraordinary!
Shirley Ann