Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

The kids began making cards and gifts for Mother's Day on the Wednesday before. They could barely wait to show me! Jonathan ended up showing me his gift box of cut yarn before the big Day. But Mother's Day arrived without me seeing most of the gifts. As you can see, I got fresh cut roses (from someone else's home; they shared with the kids); a wrapped plastic container with pearls on top which contained sour candy (I love!) and a dark chocolate candy (Elizabeth asked me a week ago which one was my favorite and "kept" one out for my gift. She says she stole it, but I keep telling her they were for the whole family, so she didn't steal it), a specially colored gift bag, a cut out basket from a coloring book with lots of flowers also cut from the coloring book and placed inside, and a card Jonathan made in Sunday School. And a laugh when Jonathan ran up to Phillip at church and cried, "Happy Mother's Day, Dad!" Phillip also bought me a lovely purse and I didn't have to cook the whole day before Mother's Day!

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