Jonathan enjoys going back through the old blog posts, and I noticed the pictures from the early ones had gotten large and wonky (probably when the platform changed hands). So I went through and took all the pictures out of the first few years of the blog, dragged them onto my desktop, and re-entered them so that they were converted correctly into a normal-sized picture.
I noticed I blogged a lot more back then! Like, several blog posts a week. I must have had more time on my hands. But I also wrote less. And, darn, those kids were cute! There are so many things I've forgotten that they said or did. I love those reminders.
Jonathan is teaching Harrison how to mow with the zero-turn riding mower since he'll be taking over the lawn mowing chores once Jon leaves for college.
They spent an hour or so out there. Jon had a sequential plan for training. I was impressed.
Phoebe baked a pie for Home Ec class which doubled as dessert for Sunday lunch with Mimi and Papa.
And then Jon made a pie for the youth group Super Bowl party.
This is my shawl I've been knitting in the evenings. My knitting stitch is pretty tight, but I think the wrinkles will loosen up after I wash and block it.
Wallace and the other black kitten.
Wallace is just so goofy looking. But he's also very approachable. As in, he will approach you anytime you step outside. He'll also head your direction and walk directly in your path so that you trip over him.
When we finish a habit for Habit Training in school, the kids like to celebrate. Celebration is built into habit training usually, but I had let this one go when we finished Truthfulness because I didn't know what neat thing to do to celebrate. Phoebe and Harrison noticed though and demanded a celebration of some kind. They wanted to do something to get out of the house, but not the usual stuff we do. So we landed on bowling.
Which might not get mentioned again for a while. We're just not good bowlers. But I still enjoyed it with the kids. We went to Dairy Queen afterwards which was a good consolation.
Jonathan brought home these tulips for me on Valentines!
He also used them for Nature Study, so win-win. We noticed they smell a bit citrusy while the other colors have their own unique smells. Who knew that about tulips?
Mimi and Papa had us over to celebrate Paul's 86th birthday.
It's a good thing the candles tell us the age! Very helpful.
Paul was showing Jonathan the picture of him as a kid on a horse.
Mimi made a delicious chocolate cake.
Harrison had some trouble with math the other day. He cut out these pentagons and was supposed to made a tessellation out of them. The little paper shapes wouldn't stay put and kept sliding around and you couldn't get them to connect very well. So his first attempt turned out to be wrong (they didn't actually fit like he thought they did). The next day we continued the worksheet, and he mentioned he could do this a lot better on iDraw. I let him try. And it was indeed much easier and quicker.
Our youth minister is leaving to go serve in a church in Illinois. He's been here 8 1/2 years. A young lady from church made this stunning cake for his goodbye. She made our church building (in the back) and the church he's heading to (front). What a cool idea! We're gonna miss Mike; he's been so great for our kids. But we're excited for his new adventure.
Spooky fog this morning.
We start our third and last term of school tomorrow. Twelve more weeks till summer. Summer was so busy last year that I almost don't want school to end! (Almost.)
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