Friday, February 23, 2018

A Plague of Grackles and Papa's Birthday

 We have so-o many grackles here in Texas. 
According to this Grackle Top Ten, a group of grackles is called a "plague" or "annoyance" of grackles. They do love to congregate in large groups, especially at twilight. I love the sound of them though. I don't find them annoying at all. They are often right around traffic and shopping areas, so you can roll your window down while driving and listen to them chirp and call and flock together. I took the below picture near a Starbucks. That tree is absolutely stuffed full of long-tailed grackles. 

Phillip and I had a little snack at Bird Bakery in Alamo Heights. It's a cute shop. 
I think Liz' cupcakes are better though. :-) 

We met up with Mimi and Papa in Alice, TX last Saturday. It's fun to be able to do that! Florida was so far from family ~ I'm grateful that we've gotten so much time with family living here in Texas. 

For Papa's birthday, we eat at a Mexican restaurant, take a walk around Walmart, go to a park and end at Whataburger for a cool drink or shake. 

We love you, Papa!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Elizabeth found a new park, so we spent our 80° Sunday afternoon at the new park.

And we were accosted by large, beautiful swans! 
I believe that's the first time we've seen live swans. Harrison kept calling them geese. He was trying to play with his tank at the edge of the pond and the swans kept coming right up in our face begging for food. They would definitely peck you if you acted like you had any food on you. 

Harrison is playing in the dirt with his tank. He was burying it and then having his Stikbot character dig it out. He had a whole story going on in his head. But these little kids kept coming up wanting to play with him, and they would help him dig out his tank. He finally gave up, took his tank and left for more remote areas. 

This was super fun! A big long swing-glider thingy.