Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Lanaya Elizabeth Visits and Takes Phoebe's Senior Pictures

A visit from our oldest! 

We were so glad she made the time to come spend with us while Amos was away at a conference. I didn't get many pictures, but we had quite a pleasant time with her here.

We played games (she kills at SET), watched movies, visited with Mimi and Papa, went to church together..... She did lots of knitting. :-) She's working on a wrap for her friend and also on a new summer top pattern. The process of coming up with a new pattern and getting it vetted by outside testers is fascinating to hear about. 

On Sunday night Phoebe and Harrison went to the youth group Super Bowl party in town, and Phillip, Liz and I stayed home and watched the Super Bowl for the first time in a very long time. I went to town to get snacks, and then we watched a very low-key game and half-time. Even though it wasn't super thrilling, I thought it was a very good evening at home participating in a nationwide pastime ~ kind of anthropological.

Lanaya Elizabeth used her awesome photography skills (and Amos' very nice camera) to take Phoebe's senior pictures. 

I'm glad we have so many cats around for props. Phoebe is our resident animal wrangler. She knows how to tame them and they love her.

One of her favorite poems is "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley:
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
No thing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Phoebe painted this still life last year following a Udemy class. Her artistic streak runs deep. She sees things and understands things on a visceral level that I can't comprehend. 

We've had good discussions this year about books she's read for school - Crime and Punishment and Till We Have Faces - and she makes connections and communicates them in a way that amazes me because they go beyond what my brain connects. 

She's an old soul who loves antiques.

We had to keep some of her crazy expressions because they're so classically her. 

Hand sewing is a favorite pastime.

Proud of you, Phoebe! Congratulations on your senior year!

A vibrant winter sunrise.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

January Lasts Forever

I keep seeing memes about how long January feels. And it's true. But this afternoon I was sitting near our living room window with the sun shining on my face while I drank hot tea and read books, and I was loving it. So while I do look forward to warm weather, I really enjoy these cozy days too.

Jonathan and Harrison went to Mark Twain Lake for some hiking. 

New Years Eve. 
The friend group had a great time (though Phoebe thinks Jon opened the sparkling grape juice too soon because it was all gone before midnight). A couple of boys from Callao came over and brought the youth group vehicle which happened to be a limousine, and they had a good time driving around in that. I love these kids. They have been such great friends for Jon and Phoebe. 

John and Kristy, Mimi and Papa, and Aunt Anita came over for a Christmas lunch the weekend following Christmas. We had a great time talking with them! Although Phillip was so tired ~ he went to bed at 5:30ish and slept until the next morning. 

We celebrated Phillip's 50th birthday! 
Can't believe it. 40 I can understand. For some reason 50 is hard to comprehend.

Phoebe and I are working on this mini quilt for part of her Home Ec credit. I enjoyed the hand quilting part immensely! Another cozy activity to do while watching TV in the evenings. 

Amos and Lanaya Elizabeth were in Oklahoma over Christmas time. 

She knit this adorable sweater for one of Amos' nephews.

Laying in bed in the evenings talking about silly stuff. Or important stuff. 

One night Phoebe and I got into rating the top 5 most handsome Presidents (going off of their younger years). We decided it goes:

1. Ronald Reagan (duh)
2. Franklin Pierce (who knows anything about this guy?)
3. James Garfield (gotta love a good beard; and he was a preacher before Prez!)
4. George W Bush 
5. John F Kennedy (this was Phoebe's choice; I wouldn't have picked him based on his younger years)

Advance gave Jonathan and some other students the opportunity to preach at the Florida Bible Conference. He really did a great job!

If it gets close to 32º, I try to walk. 
The unsuspecting thing about having above freezing weather after having below 0º weather, is that you expect it to be warm outside. Like, after it being so cold that you absolutely can't go outside without all the accoutrements, you start to think it'll be so warm that you can run out there without shoes or your coat and you'll be just fine. And you're really not. It's still cold.

Speaking of cold....

We still have snow (more like ice really) even though it got up to 44º the other day. Harrison is working on an igloo. 

We are renovating the auditorium at church. It's crazy to see it torn apart like this! The pews are being re-done offsite. The stage will be larger and the front will look different. We'll have new lighting and new paint and I believe the carpet will be taken up and we'll have the original wooden floors with carpet runners down the aisles. I'm excited to see it!

Phillip has missed his last two or three communion meditations being down with pancreatitis stuff. But today he did it! His stents were taken out the week before last, so he has no foreign parts inside him now. That procedure took him out for several days, but he came back around. He's lost a lot of weight and a little hair. He's still tired a lot, but he can have some good days too. You kind of have to look back at the previous month to see that there's definitely been progress, but there definitely has been progress.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Home for the Holidays

We have been spending lots of cozy time at home, but what a blessing to be home for the holidays!

Jonathan went to Jacksonville and spent Thanksgiving with the McFerrins and Gradys, some good friends from our time there. It's so nice he has some familiarity for a holiday.

He also had lunch with a childhood friend (David) from one of the neighborhoods. 

(David is in the orange shirt in this adorable picture; actually I think he's in the blue shirt. He and his brother looked a lot alike back then. Maybe they still do.)

As for the rest of us, we had a quiet Thanksgiving at home with just us. Phillip was just a couple weeks back from the hospital, and it was too much to go anywhere or have anyone over. 

The preacher boys all preached one Sunday night. They were all so good. So sincere, preaching the truth, reading the Scripture, these young men feeding us adults God's Word. I am so grateful. 

Phillip's been to church twice (this was the first time), and it has wiped him out both times. But it was neat for both of us to be there to hear Harrison preach. 

And somewhere in there Phillip ended up back in the hospital for a couple of nights. They were saying he needed to be transferred to BJC in St. Louis in case there was a problem with the stents. But then a doctor breezed in Saturday afternoon and said, "You're numbers are looking great!" He picked up the lid from his lunch. "Looks like you're eating well. I think you can go home tomorrow." And I said, "Can he go home today?" And he said, "If you feel comfortable and well enough, sure!"

And after all those antibiotics, he felt the best he's felt since this all started. At least for a few days. He's very up and down health-wise, but generally on the healing path. I took a picture of the lighted trees lining the roads to the Hannibal hospital. It was really a pretty sight at night. None of the pictures I took captured it well. I'm so appreciative of the beauty some people put effort and money into.

We drove to Columbia with Paul to see Galen's son Gregory along with his wife and son. It was so nice to meet them! 

Paul with Gregory and little Eric. 

I saw John's sons Jay and Zane over Thanksgiving when Harrison and I went to Uncle Lee's continuing dinner at the Junction (Lee's son Eric is continuing the tradition now that Lee is gone). And Galen's daughter Alicia was here earlier this year. So I have seen all of Phillip's nieces and nephews this year! (Except, of course, for Galen's son Eric who passed away in a car accident some years ago.)  We haven't seen most of them in many years. 

Phoebe and sleeping baby in the nursery. She kept hugging him and saying, "He's so warm!"

Winter puzzle finished before Jon got home.

Harrison and I at Pizza Hut going to pick Jon up from the airport.

The kids got the tree up and decorated, pretty much by themselves. 

We went to half of the lighted Christmas parade. It rained the last half, so we hightailed it home.

The preacher boys sang Christmas carols at King's Daughters nursing home.

The kids have been playing Minecraft together on Christmas break. We Face-timed Lanaya Elizabeth, but the only picture was a very blurry one of her bangs. She and Amos are heading to Oklahoma for Christmas.

Matthew has been having friends over to camp out in the cold in the cabin he built. Harrison has gone two or three times now and has a good time. I'm always glad to get a picture of them surviving. 

More puzzles! These are a lot of fun. They get done quick.

Christmas Eve started with Phillip reading the Nativity story from the Bible, starting "In the beginning" and going all the way through to Him "growing in favor with God and man."

The kids opened up their stocking gifts. 
Then we had hot cocoa and watched the new "Best Christmas Pageant Ever." Can't get through that without some tears!

Christmas morning ~ opening all the gifts under the tree! The kids all bought gifts for each other. Lanaya Elizabeth received her package of gifts from all of us and had opened them already. (I wasn't sure it would get to her in time; so I was so glad to hear that it did!)

Phoebe gave some money to Harrison to use on Robux, and she wrapped $5 worth of quarters individually so that he'd have to unwrap them all. I'm not sure who got the worse end of the deal though ~ the one who wrapped or the one who opened. :-) 

Mimi and Papa came over with half the meal for Christmas lunch. We tried to keep it mostly low-fat for Phillip, but it was still really yummy!

And so we continue. We love having Jonathan home. It's been just a real good time being kind of homebound without feeling we need to (or can) go to a bunch of outside activities. 

Merry Christmas!