Saturday, September 28, 2024

Fall Begins as Phillip has a Hospital Stay


Gorgeous tempestuous sky

We have this one little marigold plant that showed up by the front porch, and then I planted some in pot by the back door. Marigolds are just too pretty.

Now that it's fall, we light candles in the morning and enjoy them throughout school time.

On the way back to Florida, Jon spent the night with the Grady's in Georgia and they took him kayaking.

Most of the students at Advance are just online now, so Jonathan is alone in class. He is enjoying classes and getting preaching opportunities when he can. He'll be supply preaching in Port St. Lucie tomorrow.

Lanaya Elizabeth and Amos stayed at KOA cabins on their way to Boise. They enjoyed the trip it seemed like. 

Always knitting! 
She is working in a coffee shop in Boise, and Amos is doing his residency with a church there.

John and Kristy came down for a visit around Labor Day.

Paul's sister Elsie came to visit also. She and Paul are the only siblings left of their family. She got married right near where she is standing in our home. There was a wall right about where they're standing in the picture, and there was a set of double doors (if I'm getting that right), and she and her husband were married in front of the doors.

Rochester is the fluffy one and he is so hilarious. He looks like a bum half the time with grasses sticking out of his fur. 

Some of these oak trees at the hospital have a bit of a gall problem.

They were harvesting east of us when Phillip called me last Saturday because he was in so much pain he couldn't make it home from town. He was about to pass out. As soon as he called me, he called 911.

When I parked on the gravel road, he was laying in his truck in the worst pain I've ever seen him in, and he had to get out to vomit again. The ambulance got there in good time, buckled him down on the gurney and had him hooked up to pain meds pretty quick. I went home, grabbed some of his clothes in case he needed them, and found my way to Hannibal hospital. The ER figured out that he had gallstones which had caused pancreatitis.

He was in ICU for 5 nights. The rooms are roomy with a nice couch which I claimed as my own. I slept there one night, but otherwise I went home at night to be with the kids. They told us he would need his gallbladder out, but they had to wait for inflammation to go down ~ wait for all his guts to calm down and not be so angry. So, five IV spots (some of them bled out, so they had to switch them), two NG tubes (that did not work out!), a bed replacement (the common hospital bed was more comfortable to him than the ICU one), and lots of other stuff later, he had the surgery. 

I brought three things with me to the hospital to do while I was hanging out with him: a knitting project, a book to read, and some revisions I'm working on for one of the books I've written. I also took a couple of quick walks outside and enjoyed the hospital Cafe. I don't know if I was really hungry or what, but I thought their food was some of the best I've ever had.

We were so pleased with the ICU nurses and just the overall service and experience. They knew what they were doing; they really made sure we had everything we needed and were comfortable. 

Phillip progressed just like he was supposed to. I mean, the whole thing isn't fun, but he at least followed the normal path of pancreatitis with no surprises or problems. He did have a gallstone the size of a golfball, so that's cool.

His parents came to see him the day after the attack. The preacher and his son came to stay through the surgery. That was something Phillip really appreciated - when the hospital chaplain, and Jamie, and one of our elders all prayed with him at different times. 

I did some school with the kids a few of the mornings, but they did most of their school on their own. Phoebe had work four of the days, and friends kept Harrison for several afternoon/evenings so he wouldn't have to be home alone bored all of those hours. Several friends brought meals. Lots of people asked to come visit Phillip in the hospital, but that was one thing he wasn't up to. Phillip was supposed to preach last Sunday, so that church had to scramble to find a replacement with half a day to go. 😅 They were very understanding though and figured it out. 

Well, we're home now. Lots of rest is what's happening now. He's only on Tylenol because the pain is so diminished. He's mostly just agitated, uncomfortable, discombobulated and the like. You can't go around it though ~ the only way is through it! A friend from San Antonio used to say it was like slogging through a slough of weeds ~ you just have to keep making your way through the weeds.

God has answered prayers; we have found so many things to be thankful for.

Harrison got his new bike put together throughout all this.

Phoebe didn't know what to do the day she found out Dad was in the hospital (she had been at work), so she came home and baked a cake. And it was nice to have a little piece of cake each night when I got home. 
Maybe food is how I deal with stress!?

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Jon's Birthday, Family Visits, and New Cabinets

August has been a whirlwind ending to the summer. We start back to school tomorrow! 

Momma cat has been staying away except to eat and is very testy with her kitlens. New babies coming soon, I'd say. 
We have here Shawn/Barak, Little Blackie/Gus, and Rochester.

Jonathan had a friend birthday at the church building. He is now 20. 

I love this picture, but so many of them are gone/leaving soon for college. 

When we got back from our July trip to Louisiana, Phillip had taken this kitchen heater out.....

...... and put up wall-board.

We bought a few cabinets from Lowes and picked a red color that matched our kitchen curtains.

Phillip got them all painted. At first it looked pink, but after several coats it was a deep red.

Waiting on the counter top....

So we have a coffee station and more space for all our drinks! This is the first time we've kept our bottled waters somewhere other than a bathroom, dining room corner, or some other living space out in the open. Jonathan's description is Cherry Pie ~ that works for me!

I went through and got rid of three pretty big boxes of books. There is a family near St. Louis that has a home library that they share with homeschoolers in their community. We met up, and I passed these on to her. So anyone near St. Louis who would like to check out great books for homeschooling or just for reading, email Carrie Naglak for information:

We had five days of family! Galen and her daughter Alicia came to visit. They had a lot of people and family to see, and they were busy the whole time they were here. It had been a year or two, so we were glad to spend some time with them.

While Galen and Alicia made a weekend trip to Jefferson City, Amos and Lanaya E came to stay! They had a wedding in Quincy, so that was a good excuse for them to come and say goodbye to us. They are leaving for Boise, ID in a week. Tears.... 
They are excited about the adventure though!

We went to the town's 150th Charter Day celebration. They opened a time capsule from 1974, had Amish homemade ice cream, a photo contest (Jonathan won 3rd for one of his entries), and lots of other stuff going on. There will be more Sesquicentennial celebration during Prairie Days in September.

Harrison, Silas, and Avery at the park for Charter Day.

Jonathan invited me to a game of Scrabble before he leaves for Florida this week. I thought I had him with my 54 point words: teeth, hue, die. Then he came back with his own 54 points from teether, seed, and died. We were still neck to neck until he got 60 points with jeux. He won by 40 points.

Playing Minecraft together.

The boys made a crash scene in Autumn. 


Monday, July 29, 2024

VBS and More

We have three kittens left and a pregnant momma. 
This kitten has about three names it gets called. We're a little confused about names because each of us came up with names along the way, and it doesn't seem we ever reached a unified consensus, or if we did, some of us don't remember and so it gets called whatever comes to mind. He's a mixture of friendly and scaredy-cat. He likes to be around us but also is skittish if we try to get near. And if he does allow us near, he's quite generous with his claws.

At an event at the Vandalia Fairgrounds.

The boys went to Preacher Boy Camp a few weeks ago. There were only a handful of boys, so they all stayed in the Lodge and had classes and everything in the Lodge.

Practicing their sermon.

Preaching the sermon at a church nearby. 
Jonathan preached at our church again this past Sunday as well. He's been preaching or teaching just about every Sunday this summer. Great job, boys!

These little sweat bees have been abundant this summer. They like the minerals in sweat, so they just land on you and lick your skin. They very rarely sting and if they do sting, it's like the lightest of stings. They don't build a hive but live in the ground. Now that I know they won't sting, I just leave them be unless it's too ticklish. They're kind of cute.

Harrison and friends at the Bartison home again. 

Phoebe started working at a grocery store in a town nearby. She has friends who work there, so that's kind of fun. Working at Subway was a little tough because she was usually working alone; this should be a step up.

We celebrated Mimi and her birthday! 

Phoebe drew these sea creatures which I cut out for VBS. Harrison helped with some tracing too.

We were part of the kitchen crew for VBS. 
Harrison and Phoebe helped out there, and Jonathan was around to be used as needed as well.

We have a full meal each night and Michelle Kurz has been the one leading in the kitchen each year I've been here. She plans some yummy meals! Carlene and Jennifer were also there each night, and they're a lot of fun to work with.

Jonathan is choking out the... shark? I'm not sure what creature that is. A fish maybe.

Such a funny sight, this little cloud was.